Vatican City IBAN Calculator

Calculate IBAN for Vatican City. You can use our IBAN Calculator to get correct IBAN on the basis of Bank Code, Branch Code And Account Number. The IBAN Generator is useful as it check for proper format of Vatican City, IBAN Number and generate valid IBAN Numbers. Cross Check any Vatican City IBAN Number to be sure that you have entered correct IBAN Number in your ERP.

Formation of Vatican City, IBAN Numbers

Developers can integrate Vatican City IBAN Calculation API into their applications

Individuals should only use the IBAN Calculator to verify the IBAN issued to them by their Bank. They should not use the IBAN in financial transactions, unless IBAN is issued to them by their Bank.

Vatican City State Sample IBAN Number :VA59001123000012345678

  • Vatican City State IBAN length is 22 Characters
  • In the Vatican City State IBAN, First two digits from left is ISO 3166 Country Code. It will be VA in all the IBAN Numbers of Vatican City
  • Characters at place 3-4 are check digits in Vatican City IBAN Numbers
  • Characters from 5 place from left to 22 is called BBAN Number
  • Vatican City BBAN length is 18 Characters
  • In BBAN from left, 3 Digits are for Bank Code .i.e. 001
  • In Vatican City State BBAN or IBAN 15 digits i.e. 123000012345678, from right are for Bank Account Number