VIVA PAYMENT SERVICES SPÓŁKA AKCYJNA ODDZIAŁ W POLSCE, ul. Skierniewicka Sort Code, Location, Address & Contact Information

Register Number :A018222 -VIVA PAYMENT SERVICES SPÓŁKA AKCYJNA ODDZIAŁ W POLSCE-ul. Skierniewicka, Warszawa
Bank Short Name VivaPL
Branch NameViva Payments Poland ul. Skierniewicka
Office TypeCentrala
Branch Sort Code / Clearing Code 61100006 Copy Sort Code
SWIFT Code for SEPA / International PaymentVPAYPLP2 Copy Swift Code
Building Number10a
Streetul. Skierniewicka
View Branch Location on Google Map
Postal Code01-230
Telephone Number
FAX Number
Email Address
Bank Head Office Information
Bank Typeuprawniony dostawca usług płatniczych
Bank Sub Typeoddział unijnej instytucji pieniądza elektronicznego
Bank Identification ID / Bank Number assiged by NBP61100
Bank Sort NameVivaPL
Bank Operation Date2019-04-18
Trading name of the BankViva Payments
Number assigned to the institution
in the Court Register
Tax identification number assigned
to the Bank
1080023008 Copy Tax ID
LEI number – the number identifying entities which
are parties to transactions concluded on financial markets
Copy LEI Code
GIIN – the identification number of the reporting
Polish financial institution within the meaning
of the Act of 9 October 2015 on FATCA
BIN codes identifying the institution as an
issuer of a payment card under a payment
scheme (e.g. BIN VISA, BIN MasterCard)
Poland IBAN Calculator
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What is Poland Banks Sort Codes?

In Poland, each Bank Branch has been allotted a 8 digits unique code. This 8 digits code is called Sort Code. Sort Code is used to uniquely identify a Bank Branch.

Purpose of Poland Banks Sort Codes

Sort Codes are used in Poland by Banks to transfer payments from one Bank Account to another Bank Account, within a Bank Branch or between a Bank's different branches or between different Banks. Sort Code is included in the IBAN Number of Poland to identify the Bank Branch. In the Poland IBAN Number, see 5-12 digits from left, this is Sort Code of the Bank Branch.

How to find Your Bank Accounts Sort Codes

Your Bank Account Sort Code is printed on your Cheque Book. You can also find your Bank Account Sort Code in your Banks Mobile APP or Web Application. Login to your Bank's Mobile APP or Web APP and you will see eight digits no. which is your Bank Account Sort Code.

Information Required for receiving International Payment in Poland Bank Account

To Receive International Payments in Poland Bank Account, the payer needs, Payee Name, IBAN Number of Payee & Swift Code of Bank Branch.